FTCA Podcast #14 - Travis Hornsby - Studentloanplanner.com
When I was told that Travis wanted to be on the podcast to talk about student loans, I didn't even think twice. "Yes!" Such a crucial topic for everyone involved in the profession. From the schools down to the students and their families and the public at large. It effects EVERYONE!
We all could use some better financial management and planning in our lives. We couldn't help but get off into a financial planning tangent. Managing your student loans is such a huge part of this. It doesn't seem like such a big deal until you blink, and 10 years of practice have passed you by (it goes by REAL fast) and you've been paying this whole time and your principle balance hasn't moved an inch. Ouch. Travis is here to help you plan ahead.
In addition, Travis is having a webinar in just a few days (Tuesday, April 10, 5pm EST, 2pm PST), so you will want to get registered for that. The link is https://www.studentloanplanner.com/chirowebinar/
Don't miss it!
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FTCA Podcast #14 - Travis Hornsby - Studentloanplanner.com